Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Government surveillance and "The Library Provision"

Proven Use of the “Library Provision”

Are you surprised by the latest revelations of government surveillance programs? Are you interested in the government’s need to improve the balance between individual privacy rights and terrorism prevention?  Michael German, senior policy counsel of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), will detail government spying.  He will discuss the latest wholesale use of Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act by the NSA and the FBI to get cell phone records from cell carriers and how those carriers just turned over all subscriber phone records.

You will also have the opportunity to hear about surveillance of AP Wire Service reporters, the search for whistleblowers and the implications for the First Amendment and Freedom of the Press of these activities.  German develops policy positions and pro-active strategies concerning national security and open government. Prior to joining the ACLU, Mr. German served for sixteen years as a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he specialized in domestic terrorism and covert operations.

Sunday, June 30, 2012 3:00-4:00pm-in the McCormick Place Convention Center, room South 501BCD