Monday, July 1, 2024

Homelessness- Denver Basic Income Study (2024).


The Denver Basic Income Project (DBIP) is studying the impact of providing a guaranteed income (GI) to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The project is the first and largest of its kind in the United States to study the impact of guaranteed income on unhoused individuals and families at this scale.

FINAL_DBIP+Year+One+Executive+Summary.pdf (

Monday, April 15, 2024

library services and incarceration.


San Francisco Public Library's Jail and Reentry Services staff have created a 10 video training series on topics related to library services and incarceration.* Each video is approximately an hour long and is opened by a formerly incarcerated person. Topics include direct and indirect services, digital literacy, discussing incarceration in the LIS classroom, and more.

You are invited to utilize these materials in your courses!

All videos are freely available on the Expanding Information Access for Incarcerated People grant page at

You can also access the videos on our YouTube channel at

Videos are available with English or Spanish captioning. Each video description contains a link to the full transcript.

Please email with any questions about these resources.

All Best,

Jeanie Austin
pronouns: they/them/their

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Universal Declaration of Human Rights- 75th Anniversary


On 10December 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The UDHR was a milestone in the history of human rights; it was the first time that the international community agreed on a set of common values and recognized that human rights are inherent to everyone, everywhere.

Human Rights Day 2023 | OHCHR

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Social impact museums have on visitors - Toolkit

The Measurement of Museum Social Impact (MOMSI) addresses the critical need of establishing best practices for measuring social impact within the museum field. It advances museum practice by measuring the social impact museums have on visitors and developing a tool for museums to better understand their social impact on individuals and communities. MOMSI will test the scalabaility of a tool developed in Utah nationwide to provide museums of all sizes the opportunity to measure their own social impact. 

Toolkit | Museum Impact Study (

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Aaron Swartz Remembered- 10 Years

ALA Memorial Resolution from January 29, 2013

 A Memorial Resolution Honoring Aaron Swartz Whereas the American Library Association (ALA) and the broader community of those who support open access to published materials lost a valued colleague on January 11, 2013, with the tragic death of 26- year-old Aaron Swartz

Whereas Aaron Swartz was a tireless and outspoken advocate of intellectual freedom and the rights of individuals to freely access information; 

 Whereas he was a team member of Creative Commons, a group that simplifies access to free copyright licenses for authors; 

 Whereas Aaron Swartz founded the organization Demand Progress, which campaigned against the "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act, thus contributing to the failure of the legislation; 

 Whereas the international library community lost a leader who was the chief architect of Open – an online project that fostered collaboration with librarians and intended to “…build the world’s greatest library, then put it up on the Internet free for all to use...” according to Swartz in a 2007 announcement of the project; 

 Whereas Aaron Swartz was a member of a group that co-authored RSS 1.0 (also known as Really Simple Syndication) – a widely used Internet-based tool that enables publishers and users the ability to syndicate and/or manage digital data from multiple source points;

 Whereas he helped to create Reddit, Inc – a social news and entertainment site which holds the distinction of being the first social media site to be used by a sitting United States President (President Barack Obama) to engage with voters in a live online question and answer session; 

 Whereas Aaron Swartz was dedicated to the exploration and understanding of ethics, political action, and how to apply knowledge to improving people's lives, as demonstrated by his 2010-2011 tenure as a fellow at the Harvard University Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics ; 

Whereas Aaron Swartz was loved and respected by his family, friends, co-workers, and many individuals, both in the United States and around the world; 

and Whereas his true legacy lies in the profound effect that he had on countless individuals and institutions to engage in critical conversations regarding the importance of open access and the dissolving of internet censorship; 

now therefore, be it A Memorial Resolution Honoring Aaron Swartz

Resolved, that the American Library Association (ALA) on behalf of its members; 1. recognizes the significant contributions of Aaron Swartz over the course of his distinguished career and mourns his death; 2. expresses its sincere sympathy to his family, loved ones, and colleagues throughout the country, and his many friends and admirers both within and outside of the library community; and 3. encourages libraries and librarians to remain vigilant in protecting and extending the public domain, and to promoting and developing new means of providing access to and openly disseminating information. 

Adopted by the Council of the American Library Association Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Human Rights Library-Office of the High Commissioner


The overall goal of the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) Library is to provide quality information and knowledge services on human rights in support of OHCHR work and to serve as an information and knowledge gateway for the public at large.

Library catalogue

Access the OHCHR Library catalogue to search through all the collections available in the Library, including books, reports, periodicals, videos, DVDs on human rights and Human Rights Training and Education publications.

Research guides

The OHCHR Library has developed research guides to provide direct and easy access to specific resources available on various topics, such as